Mise à jour Juin 2022
Situation Actuelle
Depuis Septembre 2021
Chercheur Postdoctorant
Bourse de recherche postdoctorale de 24 mois accordée par la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah
Affiliation à l’Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique, UMR CNRS n° 7220, Université Paris-Nanterre
Août 2021
Doctorat en Géographie
Texas State University (États-Unis)
Thèse: Towards a geography of persecution: The case of the Arts-et-Métiers and the Enfants-Rouges quarters of the third arrondissement of Paris, 1940-1944, soutenue en juillet 2022 sous la direction d’Alberto Giordano.
Mai 2016
Master de Géographie
Texas State University (États-Unis)
Mémoire: Arrestations et séparations de familles pendant la Shoah en Italie, soutenu en mai 2016 sous la direction d’Alberto Giordano.
Juin 2013
Licence de Géographie
Licence d’Histoire
Université Rennes 2 (France)
Universités d’été
2017 Holocaust Education Foundation Summer Institute, Northwestern University
2016 Lancaster Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics, Lancaster University
Août 2016 – Présent
Collectif de recherche Holocaust Geography Collaborative
Participation comme assistant de recherche (2016 –2017) & comme membre affilié (depuis 2017). Plus d’informations: http://holocaustgeographies.org/
Octobre 2017 – Présent
Collectif de recherche Connus à cette adresse
Participation au collectif de recherche et expertise en SIG et analyse géographique. Le collectif, mené par Isabelle Backouche, Sarah Gensburger, et Eric Le Bourhis, travaille sur l’histoire urbaine, et notamment la question du logement, à Paris pendant la période de l’occupation.
Août 2017 – Mai 2018
Assistant chargé de recherche
Assistant de recherche pour Dr. Yihong Yuan (Department de Géographie, Texas State University), pour un projet comprenant « big geodata » et analyses de données temporelles et de trajectoires.
Janvier 2015 – Mai 2021
Chargé de TD et d’enseignement
Département de Géographie, Texas State University (États-Unis)
– Cours magistral développé en enseigné:
· Méthodes de Recherches en Géographie (niveau licence 3)
– TDs et TPs:
· SIG Avancés (niveau licence 3)
· SIG II – Python (niveau master et doctorat)
· Cartographie Web – Javascript (niveau licence 3, master et doctorat)
· Géologie Physique (niveau licence 1)
· Géologie Historique (niveau licence 2)
Articles de recherche dans revues avec comité de lecture
Alberto Giordano, Tim Cole, et Maël Le Noc. 2022. Spatial Social Networks for the Humanities: A Visualization and Analytical Model. Transactions in GIS 26(4), pp. 1683-1702.
Maël Le Noc. 2021. Présences, proximités et disparitions. Une approche spatiale de la persécution des Juifs à Paris, 1940-1944. Histoire Urbaine 62, pp. 15-36.
Nadège Ragaru et Maël Le Noc. 2021. Visual Clues to the Holocaust: The Case of the Deportation of Jews from Northern Greece. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 35(3), pp. 373-403.
Maël Le Noc et Eric Sarmiento. 2021. « We were turned into Jews »: Space, subjectivation, and resistance in occupied Paris. Social and Cultural Geography , prépublication en ligne.
Maël Le Noc, Alberto Giordano, et Tim Cole. 2020. The Geography of the Holocaust in Italy: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Arrests for Families and Individuals and a Conceptual Model. The Professional Geographer 72(4), 575-585.
Autres publications avec comité de lecture
Sarah Gensburger et Maël Le Noc. 2020. Un tournant spatial pour l’histoire de la Shoah en France ? Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 67(4), 146-152.
[Compte-rendu de lecture critique de Convois. La déportation des Juifs en France, de Jean-Luc Pinol, 2019].
Le Noc, Maël. 2019. Feminist Critiques of GIS. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge, ed. John P. Wilson. Ithaca, NY: University Consortium for Geographic Information Science. [Entrée encyclopédique – revue de littérature]
Yuan, Yihong, et Maël Le Noc. 2018. Exploring Urban Mobility from Taxi Trajectories: A Case Study of Nanjing, China. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications – Volume 1: DATA, SciTePress, 302-307. [Actes de colloques]
Cartes et Atlas
Brownstein, Daniel, and Maël Le Noc. 2018. Bangalore’s disappearing lakes. In Water: An atlas, ed. Darin Jensen et al, 148-149. Oakland, CA: Guerrilla Cartography.
Cartes et figures réalisées pour des publications de Isabelle Backouche, Tim Cole, Sarah Genburger, Alberto Giordano, Laurent Joly, Eric Le Bourhis, Johanna Lehr.
Conférences et présentations sur invitation
17 Juin 2021, Espace urbain et persécution des Juifs à Paris sous l’Occupation : Le cas des quartiers Arts-et-Métiers et Enfants-Rouges . Table ronde « Quartiers en temps de crise » organisée by Shannon Fogg à l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris.
12 Mars 2021, Approches spatiales des rafles et arrestations dans le 3e arrondissement de Paris. Séminaire « Acteurs et institutions ordinaires face à la persécution des juifs pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le cas de Paris et des villes européennes », EHESS, Paris.
12 Mars 2020, Geographies of Persecution in Occupied Paris: Place and Space in Survivors’ Testimonies. Margee and Douglas Greenberg Research Fellow Lecture. USC Shoah Foundation, Los Angeles, CA.
23 Octobre 2017. Using GIS to study family arrests and separations during the Holocaust in Italy. Digital Approaches to Genocide Studies conference. USC Shoah Foundation, Los Angeles, CA.
10 Novembre 2016. The Holocaust in France: Insights from survivors’ oral histories. National French Week Lectures, Department of Modern Languages, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
Communications lors de colloques et de journées d’études
Maël Le Noc. 2021. Mobiliser les archives de la dépossession pour étudier les parcours des familles juives parisiennes: le cas des quartiers Arts-et-Métiers et Enfants-Rouges. Journées d’études: « Déposséder – dépossédé », C²DH, Université du Luxembourg.
Maël Le Noc, Alberto Giordano, et Tim Cole. 2021. Visualizing and Analyzing Family’s Trajectories in the Holocaust: Representational Models. AAG, colloque virtuel.
Le Noc Maël and Eric Sarmiento. 2019. Subjectivity, Persecution, and Urban Space: The case of Parisian Jews, 1940-1944. Southwest Division of the Association of Americans Geographers (SWAAG), Fort Worth, TX.
Le Noc Maël and Eric Sarmiento. 2019. Othering and Exclusion: Jews’ Experience of Public Space in Occupied Paris. American AAG, Washington, DC.
Le Noc, Maël. 2018, Jews and Public Space in Occupied Paris. IXth Race Ethnicity and Place Conference, Austin, TX.
Yuan, Yihong, and Maël Le Noc, 2018. Exploring Urban Dynamics from Taxi Trajectories: A Case Study of Nanjing, China. AAG, New Orleans, LA.
Le Noc, Maël, 2018. Shifting the resolution: Using GIS to study family groups during the Holocaust, AAG, New Orleans, LA.
Le Noc, Maël, 2017. Accounts of Family Separations in Holocaust Survivors’ Oral Histories. AAG, Boston, MS.
Le Noc, Maël, 2016.Visualizing the trajectory of Jews deported from Italy during the Holocaust. SWAAG, Denton, TX.
Le Noc, Maël and Alberto Giordano, 2016. Family separation during the Holocaust in Italy. Association of Americans Geographers, San Francisco, CA.
Le Noc, Maël and Alberto Giordano, 2015. Spatio-temporal patterns of Jewish family arrests during the Holocaust in Italy. SWAAG, San Antonio, TX.
Bourses de recherche
2021-2022 – Bourse de recherche post-doctorale, Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah
2020-2021 – Fred and Maria Devinki Memorial Fellowship, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
2020 – Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship
2020 – Doctoral Research Support Fellowship, Graduate College, Texas State University
2019-2020 – Margee and Douglas Greenberg Research Fellowship, USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research
2017 – Summer Institute Fellowship, Holocaust Education Foundation of Northwestern University
2016 – Texas State Doctoral Merit Fellowship, Texas State University
Prix et récompenses
2019 – Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Service, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2017 – Outstanding Master’s Thesis Awards in Digital Scholarship, Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS)
2016 – Outstanding Master’s Thesis Awards in Digital Scholarship, Texas State University
2016 – Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Service, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2016 – Wiley Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of Geography, Texas State University
Bourses d’études
2020 – Sandra E. Estaville Geography Scholarship, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2020 – Student Government Scholarship, Texas State University
2019 – Graduate College Liberal Art Scholarship, Texas State University
2019 – Sandra E. Estaville Dissertation Scholarship, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2019 – Bernard W. Detlefsen Candidate Scholarship, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2018 – Celebrity Classic Scholarship, Texas State University
2018 – Graduate College Liberal Art Scholarship, Texas State University
2018 – Bernard W. Detlefsen Doctoral Excellence Scholarship, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2017 – Jeffries Family Scholarship in Geography, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2017 – Graduate College Liberal Art Scholarship, Texas State University
2016 – Bernard W. Detlefsen Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2016 – Graduate College Liberal Art Scholarship, Texas State University
2015 – Student Government Scholarship, Texas State University
2015 – Bernard W. Detlefsen Masters Excellence, Department of Geography, Texas State University
2015 – Graduate College Liberal Art Scholarship, Texas State University
Financements (Grants)
2019 – Rising Scholarly Travel Activity and Research (S.T.A.R) grant. ($500)
2018 – Rising Scholarly Travel Activity and Research (S.T.A.R) grant. ($200)
2016 – Rising Scholarly Travel Activity and Research (S.T.A.R) grant. ($500)
Academique and Professionnel
Alpha Chi National Honor Society, Texas State University Chapter, Outreach Coordinator (2016-2018) & Vice-President (2018-2020)
Student Government Graduate House Leader, Texas State University (2017-2019)
Student Government Graduate House Representative, Texas State University (2016-2019)
Texas State Geography Graduate Forum, Vice President (2017-2018) & Co-President (2015-2016, 2018-2019)
Student Government Finance Commission, Texas State University, Member (2016-2018)
Graduate Council, Texas State University, Student Representative (Spring 2018)
University Leadership Assembly, Texas State University, Student Representative (2017-2018)
AAG Graduate Student Affinity Group, Secretary (2016-2018) PhD Faculty
Representative, Geography Department, Texas State University (2016-2017)
Academique et Professionel
Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference, Technical arrangements (2018-2021)
Student Regalia Committee, Texas State University, Committee member (2019-2020)
Dean of Student’s Student Government Task Force, Texas State University, Task Force Member (2018-2019)
Muir Mentoring Award Selection Committee, Texas State University, Committee Member (2018)
Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching Selection Committee, Texas State University, Committee Member (2017)
Texas State University Graduate College, « What I Wish I Had Been Told as a New Graduate Student » Shop talk, Panelist (2016 & 2018)
2016 International Research Conference for Graduate Student, Texas State University, Moderator
2015 SWAAG-AGC San Antonio meeting, Local arrangements